The Beavercreek High School Air Force Junior ROTC
The Air Force Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (AFJROTC) is a high school elective program that teaches leadership and citizenship focused on character development. Although the AFJROTC program has been around since 1966, the Beavercreek High School AFJROTC was established in 2018 and is one of the newest programs in Ohio.
In just its 7th year, the Beavercreek AFJROTC has quickly become one of the best programs in the nation! During this short period, our program’s cadets have contributed over 21,000 hours of community service around the Miami Valley! Our cadets have also earned numerous military academy nominations and ROTC scholarships valued at over $7M not to mention 7 of our cadets receiving flight scholarships valued at over $200K earning their private pilot licenses! Our Military Drill Team is the two-time defending National Champion winning the Air Force Junior ROTC Drill Championships in back-to-back years 2023 and 2024! Our Academic Team placed 6th in the nation last year at the 2024 JROTC Joint Leadership and Academic Bowl in Washington DC as well! It is safe to say, that our cadets epitomize the Air Force Core Values of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do!
But even with all this, our Beavercreek AFJROTC program is simply fun! It provides high school students a "place to belong" and to be part of something bigger than themselves! The AFJROTC is not a military recruitment or accession program, nor is its’ success based on how many cadets join the military. Our mission statement is simply this … “To develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their community and nation.”Beavercreek AFJROTC Patriot 5K Run/WalkOur Patriot 5K Run & Walk is designed to provide our cadets with a project-based learning initiative. As a cadet-led organization, our cadets take on all facets of the planning and execution of the race day event. Funds raised with the event help offset the costs associated with curriculum-in-action field trips, cadet enrichment activities, and support for cadet opportunities and scholarships.Event ScheduleThursday, April 3, 2025 (Beavercreek High School)
3:30pm to 6:30pm - Shirt and bib pick up
Race day registration (Beavercreek High School)
8:00 am - Packet pick-up opens
8:50 am - Packet pick up and online registration closes 9:00 am - Race begins9:45 am - Awards begin
Registration is open up to Race Day!$30 includes a timed event and race shirt.(Shirt is guaranteed for all registrations by March 24, 2025.)
Race Awards1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards will be given in the following age groups:
Ages 12 and underAges 13 – 18 Ages 19 – 29Ages 30 – 39Ages 40 – 49Ages 50 – 59Ages 60 and over
Note: This is a patriotic-themed event! Feel free to run with American flags, decorate your strollers, wear patriotic colors, etc.! An award for best-decorated stroller/wagon is up for grabs!
ParkingParking for the race is available at Beavercreek High School.
Post RaceSnacks, fruit, and water will be available after the race.
ResultsResults will be posted here when you finish.
Cancellation PolicyIn the event of foul weather, public safety concerns, or for any other reason deemed necessary by the timing company, race organizers, public safety officials, or anyone else in charge, we reserve the right to reschedule the event date, if possible, cancel the race, or convert this to a virtual 5K race. There will be norefunds and race items will not be mailed.
SponsorshipsIf you'd like to support our event, please click here to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.